I don’t use pinned items at all – I use a QuickLaunch folder – so I don t really have this problem. Same thing with Firefox or any other portable that uses a “portable loader” In other words, your pinned icon must be the portable loader, but the chrome.exe’s stack in a different icon. Now – if you pin the GoogleChromePortable.exe to the taskbar – any chrome windows will not stack on it since they’re actual chrome.exe’s.

In my case I’ve selected a custom blue color. Here you can also customize the background color of the tile by selecting a color from the drop-down menu under the Background Color section. The above action will take you to the main window. Then whether or not chrome is open or not, clicking an url will open chrome via the portable.exe and load the correct default profile After selecting the custom icon, click on the OK button appearing at the bottom of the window. If you edit the dozen or so registry entries to instead point at egĭ:\Portable\Internet\Chrome\GoogleChromePortable.exeĭ:\Portable\Internet\Chrome\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe If chrome is not open, it will open chrome.exe bypasing the googlechromeportable.exe “loader” and load a different profile. Follow my logic here – If you want to make chrome your default browser, from chromes option’s, it will your point to the chrome.exe. Concerning portables: there are two exe’s – eg you open FirefoxPortable.exe which then loads firefox.exe (or in Chrome’s case from portable GoogleChromePortable.exe and a chrome.exe in a subfolder).